Recipe Collection by Jes

This blogs contains recipes collections that I kept for my own easy reference if I were to repeat to cook any dishes.
All recipes are from my MOM, online source, others' sharing and recipe books.
I am not stealing any recipes (all source of recipe is included in each posting).
Some of the recipes has been modified based on my own taste preference.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thai Style Steamed Fish

Thai Style Steamed Fish


1 lime - green (press out juice)

3 cloves garlic
2 small chillies
1 plant of coriander

1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp sugar

1. Boil water. Place fish on rack and steam for 6mins.
2. Remove fish and pour away water from fish.
3. Add in sauce & minced ingredient to fish.
4. Steam on high heat for 1-2mins.
5. Remove and add in lime juice.
