Recipe Collection by Jes

This blogs contains recipes collections that I kept for my own easy reference if I were to repeat to cook any dishes.
All recipes are from my MOM, online source, others' sharing and recipe books.
I am not stealing any recipes (all source of recipe is included in each posting).
Some of the recipes has been modified based on my own taste preference.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Almond Slices with Nuts Cookies

Almond Slices with Nuts Cookies

500gm Golden Florentina Powder
500gm Almond Flakes
250gm Sunflower Seeds
250gm Pumpkin Seeds
(Ratio of powder to nuts is 2:1; means 500gm of powder, means 1kg of nuts, type of nuts and amount depends on preference)

10tbsp Black sesame
10tbsp White sesame
Baking sheet

Divide all ingredients into 5 portions & mix together

Mix 1 portion of each ingredient and spread evenly onto baking sheet.

Bake at 160c for 15-20mins.

Remove from oven, cut with , just have to make a line.
Once it gets cold, just break it.

Let it get cold and keep into container.