Recipe Collection by Jes

This blogs contains recipes collections that I kept for my own easy reference if I were to repeat to cook any dishes.
All recipes are from my MOM, online source, others' sharing and recipe books.
I am not stealing any recipes (all source of recipe is included in each posting).
Some of the recipes has been modified based on my own taste preference.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Savory Swiss Roll with Chicken Floss

Savory Swiss Roll with Chicken Floss

50g vegetable oil
70g plain flour (sieved)
80g fresh milk
1 whole egg
4 egg yolks
pinch of salt

4 egg whites
70g castor sugar
1/2 tsp lemon juice

Spring onions (diced)
Chilli (diced)
Black sesame
White sesame

4 tbsp mayonnaise mixed with 1 tbsp condensed milk
Chicken floss

28cm x 28cm pan

1. Heat up oil to 80c, turn off heat.
2. Immediately add in flour and use whisk to mix well combined.
3. Pour in milk, stir till well incorporated.
4. Add in whole egg, stir well and then add in egg yolks one by one, mix well after each addition and set aside.
5. Beat egg whites with lemon juice until foamy, add sugar in 3 batches and beat till firm peak.
6. Fold 1/3 of meringue into the egg yolk batter and mix till evenly incorporated.
7. Use

Source : carolpassionibake

5. Beat the egg whites with the lemon juice until foamy, add the sugar in 3 batches and beat till firm peak
6. Fold 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter and mix till evenly incorporated, use a spatula to gently fold in the balance of the meringue in 2 batches until evenly mixed
7. Pour the batter into prepared pan, spread evenly, tap the pan on counter top 2-3 times to remove air pockets
8. Sprinkle the toppings on top
9. Bake in preheated oven - 175C for 15 mins, 150C for 10 mins and 140C for 5mins
( each oven temperature varies, you will have to adjust to your own oven temp)
10. Remove from oven and drop pan on counter top 2 times
11. Cut along the sides and take out cake from pan, remove baking paper and cool on rack completely
12. Once cool, spread the mayonnaise mixture evenly and sprinkle with chicken floss, roll up snuggly and chilled in fridge for 1 - 2 hours before cutting and serving

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