Recipe Collection by Jes

This blogs contains recipes collections that I kept for my own easy reference if I were to repeat to cook any dishes.
All recipes are from my MOM, online source, others' sharing and recipe books.
I am not stealing any recipes (all source of recipe is included in each posting).
Some of the recipes has been modified based on my own taste preference.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thai Basil Minced Meat Rice

Thai Basil Minced Meat Rice
(Pad Ka Prao Mhoo)


250gm minced meat
1 egg
7 small chillies (cut small)
1 big onion/few shallots 
6 cloves garlic (thinly slice)
bunch of Thai Basil
1 tbsp Oyster sauce
1 tbsp sweet sauce (OR 1/2tsp Dark soy sauce + 1tbsp soy sauce)
Fish sauce

Dipping sauce
Mix 2 chillies, with 1 tbsp fish sauce, little lime juice, 1 tsp sugar (mix well)

1. Lightly mash 5 chillies with garlic in mortar (no need too fine).
2. Pour more oil, deep fried an egg till crunchy edge, remove.
3. With remaining oil, add in onion/shallots, deep fried. Remove and set aside once it turns golden brown.
4. With remaining of approximately 2tbsp of oil in wok, add in (no.1).
5. Once can smell aroma (ard 1min) add in minced meat and fry till cooked.
6. Add in oyster sauce, sweet sauce,1tsp sugar, 1 tbsp of water and add in shallots from (no.3).
7. Mix well and turn off heat. 
8. Add in Thai Basil and stir for around 20seconds.